Reunion Schedule

Guildhall, Derry
Thursday, 1 July
The Opening Night, Mayor's Reception, the Guildhall in Derry City
The excellent caterer from 2008 will again prepare a feast of local favorites, sure to appeal to all. We will have the meal first and an accomplished pianist will be playing during meal. After we dine, we'll have a sing-a-long as the program with a few soloists thrown in. The words of popular Irish songs will be in the reunion brochure so that the audience can participate. Price €40.
Pollan Beach, Ballyliffin
Friday, 2 July
Irish Cultural classes to be held in the Tullyarvan Mill
Due to circumstances beyond our control, and with great regret, we have had to cancel the Irish Cultural Classes. Refunds will be issued to anybody that has already paid for the classes.
Ceili at the Malin Hotel, Malin Town
This is always one of the most popular events held during our reunions. The Ceili band from Magheramore will play and announce the dances while local Ceili dancers assist everyone with the dances. Price €10.
Derry City Walls
Saturday, 3 July
Walking tour of the Derry City Walls and the walking Bogside Murals tour and the Bogside Museum tour
Rain or shine, we'll walk the historic stone walls of Derry. This guided walking tour will inform and entertain as our guides tell the story of the city and its history. Later, we'll visit the famous Bogside Murals and the Bogside Museum that, together, bring to life the Troubles and the setting that led to the civil strife in Ireland. These tours illuminate the story of Derry from the early 1600s to the present. Price €9.
Ulster-American Folk Park
Sunday, 4 July
Sheepdog Trials in Inishowen
See the dogs and their masters work the sheep in the traditional way. The trials are a formal competition with specific tasks to be performed by dog and master. Price - free.
Bus Tour to the Ulster American Folk Parks 4th of July celebration
You can see the Folk Park's website for further information on this outdoor museum. We will have a lecture by a museum curator as well as access to the Centre for Migration Studies collection while we are there. This very popular trip shows visitors an accurate view of life in Ireland and the US in the 18th and 19th century. Price €25.
O Dochartaigh Reunion BBQ
This informal dinner and gathering will take place at Culdonagh Manor, our chairman's B and B. We will have a wonderful opportunity to visit with one another, some of us sharing genealogy information and others just getting to know one another. Price €20.
Medieval Banquet, 2005 Reunion
Monday, 5 July
Historical & Genealogical Lectures - Inishowen Gateway
Held during the daytime, this event was extraordinary at the 2008 reunion with renowned speakers from Derry, Dublin and the US. Over 120 people attended the lectures in 2008 and we will have an equally informative and enlightening programme. Price €10.
Medieval Craft Faire
This walk-through Faire will feature artists and artisans as well as authors selling their wares. We'll all enjoy the opportunity to purchase quality local products as gifts and souvenirs before the Banquet. Price - free.
Medieval Banquet and Entertainment
This event has its roots in the first O Dochartaigh reunion held in 1985. In 2005 we decided that the Banquet should be a Fancy Dress, Costume Dinner. For 2008 we again dressed up in costumes and added a new feature of having pottery goblets with the Clan Crest on the table for each attendee to take home as a souvenir. We will have both of these features again in 2010 and because of some of the input from the post-reunion survey, we will change the entertainment. We will entertain ourselves! This is to announce the first and most auspicious O Dochartaigh Clann Talent Show. Please send an e-mail to Eva at if you want to be included in the Talent Show. We would love to have both groups and individuals. You can do a song or a recitation, or if you have another idea, run it by Eva. If needed, we can try to coordinate musical instruments. This was suggested by a few people, so join up. It will be memorable. Price €40.
Glenveagh National Park, Donegal
Tuesday, 6 July
West Donegal Bus Tour
Our comfortable bus tour to Doon Rock allows us to see the Mass Rock, the holy well and Cahir Rua's placque that we placed in 2008 and then on to Glenveagh Park - there will be a meal at Glenveagh Park. You can search on Glenveagh's website to learn the history and see what is featured at the park. Price €25.
Doagh Famine Village
Wednesday, 7 July
Doagh Island Famine Village
This local attraction gives the definitive history of the Famine and its aftermath. See their website to learn more about them.
3rd Clann Genealogy Forum at the Ballyliffin Hotel, Ballyliffin
This event originally was Kathi Gannon's idea and was very popular in 2005 and 2008. We had local genealogy experts and some professionals come and share information and ideas with one another to help with the roadblocks and stuck places of Irish genealogy. Price - free.
Grianan Aileach, on the Inishowen 100
Thursday, 8 July
Inishowen 100 Bus Tour
This bus tour will travel around the scenic Inishowen Peninsula. Experienced guides will instruct and entertain the attendees. Lunch will be included. Price €35.
Carndonagh Cross
Friday, 9 July
Guided Walk
Local noted historical guide Dessie McCallion will lead this daytime walk. The exact walk is yet to be determined as the County council and local guides are organizing three different walks.
"Houlee in the Kitchen"
A local variety and talent show in Carndonagh. This evening event by Margaret O'Kane, a local director, was delightful and really enjoyed by all those who went to this event in 2008. Price €10.
Malin, venue for the Closing Banquet
Saturday, 10 July
Closing Banquet and Dance
We will have our closing banquet at the well known Malin Hotel, Malin town. We have already booked the band Zig-Zag, the same men that were the entertainment in 2008. After the dinner and few SHORT speeches, we will give out some reunion attendee prizes before we kick up our heels and dance the night away. Price €40.